This interactive book of writing prompts encourages you and your family to express the best, most loving parts of yourselves. It will help you write about the blessings of your lives, the good words and hopes you have for others, and the things you are grateful for. You can fill in the pages on your own, in private, or do so as a family activity. Doing so is a way of acknowledging the love you have for one another.

This book reflects my deep belief that we are here to help and bless one another, to be kind to others and do no harm. Blessings are something we can lovingly and freely offer one another. The good thoughts are offered to make your life happier.

We hope that you will come to cherish this book which will hold your most beautiful written thoughts and regard it as important as the family bible or book of family photographs you love. Turn to it from time to time when you need hope and comfort. All this sweet, little book asks of you and your family is to share through writing all the love and kindness and hope that is within each of you. Isn’t that a worthwhile endeavor?

This book is formatted as an interactive digital journal. It will allow you to write directly on your screen into the areas with lines on each left-hand page. When you are done typing, simply save the document until the next time you are inspired to make new entries.

CLICK ON THE COVER TO READ AND/OR DOWNLOAD "A Sweet, Kind Book". You may also view a few pages from "A Sweet, Kind Book" below.

Bill Zimmerman
Creator, MakeBeliefsComix.com